Saturday, May 06, 2006

I'm so bored. Anybody have anything I can do?

Well, another semester draws to a close. It is hard to believe that we are now half way through the four years that it takes to earn the 103 necessary hours for my Masters of Divinty degree. That is assuming I pass all of my finals next week, which rests solely upon whether or not Jacob decides to sleep at night or play the night owl. That and whether or not I can hold my focus with everything else going on around us. What is going on? Well I'm glad that you take such an interest in my life. Thank you for asking. :)
Let's see, well, I have accepted a three month summer internship in Birmingham for this summer, so we are trying to get everything put together for that move. You know, three months is such an odd time frame. It's too long to only take a couple of suitcases of clothes, but is it really long enough to justify a full blown move? Anyone know a good two or three bedroom place in Birmingham for the summer? Actually, if any of you more financially well off among us has decided to tour Tuscany for the summer and need someone to maintain your pool or kep dust from collecting in your beds while you are gone, please contact us. We would love to serve you in this way. Yes, I know. I'm just that kind of guy.
Also, as if that weren't enough, we have decided that our apartment here is a little too small for five people, so we are moving into a new house in St. Louis as well. So, come the end of May (OH MY WORD, that is in a couple of weeks!!! Sorry, mini freak out there.) we will be loading up everything that will not be making the trip to Birmingham for the summer and putting it into a POD to be stored for the summer. Upon returning to Saint Louis at the end of August, the POD will be delivered to our house and we will move in. No sweat!
Thirdly, (yes there is a thirdly) our wonderful tenants in Birmingham will be moving out of our house in Hoover at the end of July. This will give me a couple of weeks to spruce up the place and try to get it rented out again before our trek back to the Midwest. We found out about this after accepting the internship. Isn't it funny how coincidental it is that we will be in Birmingham to be able to take care of all of this? If I was a little more reformed in my theology I woud almost believe... Oh, wait...scratch that last remark. Of course it is providential! In all seriousness though, please keep us in your prayers while we walk through all of these transitions.
Anyway, that is most of the news for now. There is probably more that I could write, but my alloted time away from studying for final exams is way past due. I will update more pictures of the kids later when I find time to pick up the camera. Have a great weekend!


Blogger Jawan said...

I only wish that the providence of the Lord had directed you to Columbus! We'll take Birmingham, though....I mean, it's much closer than St.Louis! Can't wait to see you all!

8:27 AM  

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