Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Long Time Coming

Okay, okay, I know. I have committed the mortal sin of blogging by not updating the site for quite some time. There are many excuses, some of which are kind of whimpy, many of which are really good. But you guys don't want to hear those. I know you are just here for the pictures of the kids. So here they are.
Aww.. How cute! Ain't we lovely?
We are really sweet.......when we aren't being bad.
Carmen is still doing ballet every Tuesday and enjoying it. We are going to an open house this weekend for to look at a potential kindergarten for the fall. She is so excited about being four and a half and almost being old enough to start school.
Anna Grace is...., well she is Anna Grace. She is precious and precocious. She is full of sweetness and spice and everything ACTIVE!! We are hoping next year when Carmen goes to school that Anna can begin gymnastics or something similar. I think it would be good to give her an avenue through which she can use some of her giftedness as a beautiful energy ball.

Jacob is doing just what he should be doing. He just lays around being fat and happy. He is smiling and laughing a lot now and always brightens up when he sees his Daddy.

We all went to the zoo a few weeks ago (when it was not snowing and in the 20's). I caught this shot of Carmen and Susie that I thought was precious.


Blogger Jawan said...

We miss you all so much.

11:36 AM  

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