Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Family portrait... or the best we can get

I am so greatful for my family. I think of the new things that each one of these little gifts has brought into my life and it makes me so eager to meet the next one. What will she be like? How will she fit in? Will she be prissy? Will she play football with us? Will I finally get at least one child with blue eyes? Oh well. As long as she is born healthy and an Alabama fan. That is all that really matters. Hey... PRIORITIES!

On Saturday we were able to spend time with Susie's family. Everyone isn't looking in the right direction but you know, we did the best we could. At least we were able to get everyone there in the picture. That ain't half bad!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My boy

For a kid who I couldn't get a smiling picture of for almost the first two years of his life, this guy is turning out to be quite a ham. Over the past Thanksgiving holiday our little family of five spent a total of around 20 or so hours together in the car. This little guy kept us cracking up for much of the trip.

Yes, I am dreaming of college scholarships already. You may think it is silly, but LOOK AT THAT FORM!

Bubbles have GOT to be the most amazing thing ever! Hey, I wonder if Aunt Jackie will laugh if I can pop that thing and manage to get it all in her hair.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The few The proud. The outnumbered

Well, after Susie's doctors appointment this morning, it looks like us boys are going to have to stick together. We are now set to be outnumbered by a much greater margain come April. Poor Jacob. He has no idea what's coming.